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SCCM 2007 : Sysprep: An Unattend replace sysprep and got logs:

Publié le par damcuvelier

The logs of Unattend in the deploiement are in this folder: C:\Windows\Panther\UnattendGC The 2 log files are: setupact.log (log all what it is done) setuperr.log (log all errors) For example, if your computer do not join the domain, the information is...

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SCCM 2007 : USMT 4.0 interested

Publié le par damcuvelier

I was investigated about usmt 4.0 to do a better refresh, and i find some blog interested about: Frank Rojas | System Center Support Escalation Engineer Blog and the investigate of LionelG: on Supinfo lab microsoft forum: http://www.forum-microsoft.org/topic108500.html...

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[SCRIPTING] Cheat: where am i?

Publié le par damcuvelier

if you want to use something in the folder of your script, but you don't know what will be the path of your script when it will be run, use: VBSCRIPT or VBA: here=left(WScript.ScriptFullName,len(WScript.ScriptFullName)-len(WScript.ScriptName)-1) & "\"this...

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SCCM 2007 : Error: You create a run command line with a vbs and you obtain error: cannot find script file x:\sms\bin\i386\

Publié le par damcuvelier

Sometimes i lose my brain and: I create a run command line with a vbs "toto.vbs" and i obtain error: cannot find script file "x:\sms\bin\i386\toto.vbs" Do not forget to create a package with your script in this package and in TS give the name of the OSD...

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"Y" then oShell.Popup "The Deployment Wizard was cancelled or did not complete successfully. The deployment will not proceed.", 0, "Wizard Error", 16... "> SCCM 2007 : MDT: Wizard error code on cancel. If you want to manage the cancel or error on wizard

Publié le par damcuvelier

Add this to your process and add a quit on this condition: If oEnvironment.Item("WizardComplete") <> "Y" then oShell.Popup "The Deployment Wizard was cancelled or did not complete successfully. The deployment will not proceed.", 0, "Wizard Error", 16...

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SCCM 2007 : Créer la partition de maintenance et y placer WinRE

Publié le par damcuvelier

Activer le WinRE sur une partition de maintenance: créer un package, et dedans un script pour déplacer l'image WinRE dedans Ce script je ne l'ai pas inventé, on peut le trouver là . Sa fonction: - désactive la gestion du WinRE - déplace dans la partition...

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