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SCCM 2007: Add a data drive compatible with bitlocker

Publié le par damcuvelier


This script create a partition from the users data, that is compatible with the bitlocker shrink

(that don't be regused by bitlocker)

if your DVD letter is "G":

If you specify in sccm collection variable: OSDNewDVDLetter = "G" & OSDDATADriveLetter = "H", DVD letter will be "G:" and letter of the new data drive will be "H:"

If you do not specify in sccm collection variable: DVD letter will be "D:" and letter of the new data drive will be "E:" (like write in the script)

And if your DVD letter is not "G":


If you specify in sccm collection variable: OSDNewDVDLetter = "G" & OSDDATADriveLetter = "H", DVD letter will be not changed and letter of the new data drive will be "G:".

If you do not specify in sccm collection variable: DVD letter will be not change and letter of the new data drive will be "E:" (like write in the script)

DATADrive is the name given to this partition the script:


Option Explicit

'Class instance variable declarations

Public sDATADriveLetterVar, NewDVDLetterVar, oDVDLetterVar, oDVDVolumeVar, oTSEnv

Dim iRetVal, iPartitionCount, sSystemDrive
Dim WshShell, oEnvironment, oFSO, here

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oTSEnv = CreateObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment")
Set oEnvironment = WshShell.Environment("PROCESS")

sSystemDrive = ucase(mid(oEnvironment("WINDIR"),1, 2))
OSDNewDVDLetterVar = oTSEnv("OSDNewDVDLetterVar")
OSDDATADriveLetter = oTSEnv("OSDDATADriveLetter")

' Read Task Sequence Variable for new DVD Letter and for DATA Drive Letter
    if isnull(OSDNewDVDLetterVar)=true or OSDNewDVDLetterVar="" then
        NewDVDLetterVar = "E"
        NewDVDLetterVar = OSDNewDVDLetterVar
    end if
        if isnull(OSDDATADriveLetter)=true or OSDDATADriveLetter="" then
            sDATADriveLetterVar = "D"
            NewDVDLetterVar = OSDDATADriveLetter
        end if

' Detect DVD Volume Letter

'if the DVD letter is equal to the new data drive letter we want:
    if oDVDLetterVar = sDATADriveLetterVar then
        'Assign a new letter "NewDVDLetterVar" to DVD Volume
    end if

' Defrag System Drive
    iRetVal = DefragDrive(sSystemDrive)

' Shrink SystemDrive to create DATA Drive with "sDATADriveLetterVar"
    iRetVal = ShrinkDrive(sSystemDrive,sDATADriveLetterVar)

' DefragDrive SystemDrive
Function DefragDrive(sDrive)
    Dim iRetVal,sCMDString
    iRetVal = "Success"
    If oFSO.FileExists(oEnvironment("SystemRoot") & "\system32\defrag.exe") then
        sCmdString = "cmd /c " & oEnvironment("SystemRoot") & "\system32\defrag.exe " & sDrive
        ElseIf oFSO.FileExists(oEnvironment("SystemRoot") & "\sysnative\defrag.exe") then
        sCmdString = "cmd /c " & oEnvironment("SystemRoot") & "\sysnative\defrag.exe " & sDrive
        sCmdString = "cmd /c DEFRAG.EXE " & sDrive
    End if
    DefragDrive = iRetVal
End Function

' Shrink SystemDrive to Create Data Drive
Function ShrinkDrive(sDrive,sDATADrive)
    Dim iRetVal, oDiskpartFile,sDiskPartFile
    Dim WshShell
    Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        iRetVal = "Success"
        sDiskPartFile = here & "\DATAShrinkDiskPart.txt"
    Set oDiskPartFile = oFSO.CreateTextFile(sDiskPartFile, True, False)
        oDiskPartFile.WriteLine "Select Vol " & sDrive
        oDiskPartFile.WriteLine "Shrink DESIRED = 40000 MINIMUM = 10000"
        oDiskpartFile.WriteLine "Create Partition Primary"
        oDiskPartFile.WriteLine "Format fs=ntfs LABEL=" & chr(34) & "DATADrive" & chr(34) & " quick"
        oDiskpartFile.WriteLIne "Assign Letter=" & sDATADrive

    ' Execute diskpart.exe
        iRetVal = WshShell.Run("cmd /c DISKPART.EXE /s " & chr(34) & sDiskPartFile & chr(34), 0, true)
        ShrinkDrive = iRetVal
End Function

Sub DetectDVD()
    Dim sDiskPartDVDFile, oDiskPartDVDFile
    Dim iRetValDVD,sCmd
    Dim oCheck, Line

        sDiskPartDVDFile = here & "\dectectDVDPart.txt"
    Set oDiskPartDVDFile = oFSO.CreateTextFile(sDiskPartDVDFile, True, False)
        oDiskPartDVDFile.WriteLine "list volume"
        sCmd = "%comspec% /c diskpart /s " & chr(34) & sDiskPartDVDFile & chr(34)
    set iRetValDVD = WshShell.Exec(sCmd)
        oCheck = iRetValDVD.StdOut.ReadAll
    For Each Line In Split(oCheck,vbCrLf)
        if trim(Line)="" _
        or ubound(split(ucase(Line),ucase("volume"))) < 1 then
            If instr(Line,"DVD")>0 then
            oDVDVolumeVar=Trim(left(Line,len("volume D "))
            oDVDLetterVar=Trim(mid(Line,1,len("Volume 2 C")))
            end if
        end if
End Sub

Sub AssignDVDletter()
    Dim sDiskPartDVDletFile, oDiskPartDVDletFile
    Dim iRetDVD, sCmdValDVD
        sDiskPartDVDletFile = here & "\DVDPart.txt"
    Set oDiskPartDVDletFile = oFSO.CreateTextFile(sDiskPartDVDletFile, True, False)
        oDiskPartDVDletFile.WriteLine "select " & oDVDVolumeVar
        oDiskPartDVDletFile.WriteLine "Assign letter = " & NewDVDLetterVar
        sCmdValDVD = "%comspec% /c diskpart /s " & chr(34) & sDiskPartDVDletFile & chr(34)
    set iRetDVD = WshShell.Exec(sCmdValDVD)
End Sub

'If an usb or firewire drive could be connected when the script is running, add a function like this:
    oDiskPartDVDletFile.WriteLine "select volume " & NewDVDLetterVar
    oDiskPartDVDletFile.WriteLine "Remove letter = " & NewDVDLetterVar




Before assign the new data drive letter

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